
2025-01-20 17:40:00
东方理工将于 2 月 22 日至 23 日以线上的形式组织召开 2025 春季甬江论坛。我们诚邀有意加盟东方理工的海内外优秀学者报名参加本次论坛,分享各自领域的最新研究成果,促进多学科学术交流。期待与您携手在 “书藏古今、港通天下” 的历史文化名城宁波,共创一个世界级的教育机构与科研平台。

Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo, will host the 2025 Spring Yongriver Forum online from February 22 to 23. We warmly invite outstanding scholars, both domestic and international, who are interested in joining the Eastern Institute of Technology to participate in this forum. It will provide an excellent opportunity to share the latest research achievements across various fields and foster interdisciplinary academic exchanges. We look forward to working with you in Ningbo, a city rich in history and culture, where "books preserve the past and present, and the port connects the world," to create a world-class educational institution and research platform.
一、 甬江论坛学科领域


东方理工实行国际学术机构通用的准聘 - 长聘(Tenure - track)制度,面向全球招聘助理教授、副教授、教授和讲席教授。 


理学 :基础与应用数学、统计学与数据科学、物理学、化学、生命科学等 


信息 :电子、微电子、集成电路、机器人、计算机、人工智能、软件工程、自动化控制、信息工程、通信工程等  

EIT is establishing four major disciplinary clusters: Science, Engineering, Information Technology, and Business Management. We have adopted the internationally recognized tenure-track system, recruiting assistant professors, associate professors, professors, and chair professors globally. 

The forum will primarily focus on, but is not limited to, the following research areas: 

Pure and Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Data science, Physics, Chemistry, Life Science. 

Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics, Intelligent Manufacturing, Advanced Materials, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Clean Energy, Biomedical Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Environmental and Health, Sustainable Engineering, Ocean Engineering. 

Information Science and Technology: 
Electronics, Microelectronics, Integrated Circuits, Robotics, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Automation Control, Information and Communication Engineering.
二、 申报条件与薪酬待遇



Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in a relevant field, have published high-quality papers in top-tier journals in their respective fields, possess strong communication skills in both Chinese and English, and be capable of teaching in English.

EIT offers globally competitive salary and benefits packages, including generous startup funding for research equipment acquisition, laboratory technicians, and graduate students and postdocs. In addition, we provide comprehensive social insurance and relocation assistance tailored to individual circumstances and needs.
三、 论坛申请流程

申请人请将相关申请材料打包成一个压缩包,以邮件形式发送至 yongriverforum@eitech.edu.cn。

申请截止日期为  2 月 14 日。邀请参加甬江论坛的正式通知信将于 2 月 20 日前陆续发出。

  • 个人简历(包括完整的学术论文列表)

  • 研究兴趣陈述

  • 教学理念陈述

  • 5 篇近期代表性论文全文

  • 5 位推荐人姓名、工作单位与联系方式

  • 理学部:胡老师  +86 574 8660 3206

  • 工学部:叶老师   +86 574 8660 3220

  • 信息学部:杨老师 +86 574 8630 3232

  • 数字孪生院:刘老师 +86 574 8657 8196

Please compile all required application materials into a single compressed file and email it to yongriverforum@eitech.edu.cn. The deadline for submissions is February 14, 2025. Invitations to participate in the Yongriver Forum will be sent out before February 20, 2025. The application must include:
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) with a complete list of publications.

  • Five representative publications.

  • Research Statement describing your current and future research interests.

  • Teaching Statement discussing your teaching experience and philosophy.

  • Contact information for five professional references.

For further information, please contact the respective Colleges/Institute.
College of Science
    Joyce Hu: +86 574 8660 3206
College of Engineering
    Elaine Ye: +86 574 8660 3220
College of Information Science and Technology
    Apple Yang: +86 574 8630 3232 
Ningbo Institute of Digital Twin (IDT)
   Chang Liu: +86 574 8657 8196
四、 关于东方理工


The Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo (EIT) is a newly established research university supported by both private and public funding. Located within the strategic triangle formed by Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Ningbo, EIT aspires to become a world-class institution focusing on innovative, interdisciplinary, and impactful research and teaching in the fields of science, engineering, information technology, and business management. Its mission is to cultivate outstanding and innovative talent, achieve internationally leading research outcomes, and support sustainable regional and national development by advancing knowledge and promoting the transfer of science and technology for the benefit of society.      
东方理工目前已正式签约 94 名教学科研负责人(简称 PI),包括院士 14 人,国家级高层次人才 50 人、国际著名学术组织会士 23 人,其中 96.8% 的教师拥有 2 年及以上的海外经历。学校在科研成果方面成果斐然,截至目前已在 Science、Nature 等一流期刊上发表高水平科研论文近 400 篇,竞争性科研经费总计突破 13 亿元,获批国家自然科学基金依托单位资质,近两年国自然立项数 25 项,资助率分别为 47.1%、30.4%。学校在科研平台建设上卓有成效,获批 5 个省级科研平台,宁波东方理工产业技术研究院落地镇海,宁波低空经济创新研究院加快谋划,东方理工正在积蓄服务国家高水平科技自立自强、宁波现代化滨海大都市建设的澎湃动能。    

EIT has signed contracts with 94 academic and research leaders, including 14 academicians, 50 high-level national talents, and 23 fellows of international societies. Nearly 97% of its faculty members have more than two years of overseas experience. The university has published nearly 400 papers in top-tier journals such as Science and Nature and has obtained over 1.3 billion RMB in competitive research funding. EIT has been approved as a host institution for the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and has received 25 NSFC project grants in the past two years. It has established five provincial-level research platforms, including the EIT Industrial Technology Research Institute in Zhenhai, and is planning to set up the Ningbo Institute of Low Altitude Economy.
学校于 2022 年开始启动博士生联合培养项目。已与上海交通大学、中国科学技术大学、香港理工大学、英国华威大学签订联合培养博士生合作协议。至今已入学三届联培博士生,共 243 名。

In 2022, the university launched a joint Ph.D. training program in partnership with leading institutions such as Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the University of Science and Technology of China, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the University of Warwick. To date, 243 joint Ph.D. students have enrolled across three cohorts. 
学校坚持开放办学定位,战略合作成果显著。先后与 11 所国际顶尖院校,24 所国内顶尖高校、院所、科研机构签署相关合作协议,秉持 “资源共享、优势互补;相互成就,合作共赢” 的原则,在人才培养、资源共享、科研合作、成果转化等方面开展全方位、多层次的战略合作。     

EIT embraces an open approach to education, forging strategic partnerships with significant results. The university has signed agreements with 11 top-notch international universities and 24 domestic institutions, focusing on resource sharing, complementary strengths, and mutual success in talent development and research collaboration.

产业 东方理工 甬江论坛
联系人: 透明七彩巨人
Email: weok168@gmail.com